Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Should I Get Divorced?

All the couples would have wanted her marriage happy and lasting a lifetime. But in reality after several years of marriage, it seems all hope is shattered and the divorce was on the verge of the eye. Even more confusing, you yourself may not know what the real reason that makes the life of your marriage is falling apart.

When you try to heal the pain your heart and decide what to do, maybe you see divorce as a way out right. The road you may take after thinking all sorts of things like "you marry the wrong person," "You're too young when she got married", "you never really love your spouse," "Your partner is less communication", as well as the reasons -Another reason that makes you feel there is no other way again.

But be careful, lest you make a decision when he was in a frantic thoughts or emotions, because it could be that you will regret it later someday. Before taking a very important decision for you and your entire family, should consider the following things so you do not either take a step and ready to face the challenges of post-divorce life.

Many studies have shown that the actual marriage ended in divorce generally have a level of happiness and high conflict, with the scale 6 of 10. In other words, physically and emotionally is actually quite feasible to be maintained as long as it can improve the quality of their marriages by changing some of the things small and basic, and working on it together.
Life expectancy in people who are divorced is lower compared with those who are single or married. Precisely those who are in the marriage bond has the longest life expectancy.
Other research reveals that couples who are not happy with her marital life today, tend to find happiness in the next five years compared with the grief they get if you do divorce.
Divorce was a negative impact on health, both physically and mentally. People diagnosed with cancer were more likely to recover when they were married than if they divorced. In addition, couples who divorce usually have a mental impairment such as depression, self-acceptance, inhibit the development of personality and damage positive relationships with others, especially in women. This suggests that post-divorce emotional trauma having an impact on mental health as well.
Often the divorce is considered as a way to end the fighting and settle the issue, and also make subsequent marriage as cure wounds. But apparently it is not always true, because the next marriage after divorce have a higher risk for divorce than first marriages. The factors that caused the first divorce will continue to haunt the next marriage, so that later you will try to avoid and as if being chased by those things.
Divorce will also cause a bad relationship between parents and children. But more worrying again, the children of families broken home who have more deviant behavior and the potential to become a criminal because lost one parent figure, both father and mother. In addition, they also usually worse in terms of academic at school and left of his friends who come from families harmonious.