Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Family Development Pattern

Coaching children is a very noble task. Parents play an important role in fostering children in the household environment, because parents almost every day at home. Family environment is the environment first and foremost, parents must be a major figure in the work of foster children. In association together with their children, especially when they were children, so parents should always be a mentor and friend they are good also.

Mother as a supervisor and regulator of households, both poor guidance to their children it will affect the character and character development of children in the future.

The best way to nurture children in order to develop his character and his character is by example to them. Self-control is also need to be taught a mother to child in the household, because a child who can control themselves, happiness means the doors will open to him.

That is why a mother should nurture her child to control his behavior through the guidance that starts from the family. For children who are not nurtured his behavior patterns and unable to control himself, then later will have difficulty in social relationships in the association community.

For every mother, educate their children not only after birth until an adult, but must begin in the womb by way of maintaining himself from any negative psychological effects, because it will be a lot of factors also influence the children who are in in her womb.

An assumption that mothers work at home small value is false. Indeed, the task of educating children is not a small matter. Let every mother will insyaf sanctity responsibilities. No other work can be equated with job creation disposition.

Any number of people in this world who does not realize her mother's love and sacrifice, so that not a few of the mothers who did not do duty properly to their offspring. Not least young children who eventually become damaged because they do not feel the love the mother in the household. Feeling less attention from parents cause their children anxious and less satisfied.

In everyday life, can be seen the existence of a continuous relationship between the mother with her child. Naturally this creates a reciprocal relationship, which gradually will raise feelings of affection between the two sides. The nature of the relationship and the child will affect the mental development of children in the future.

If a mother has to educate their children about how to honor, obey, self-control, and has an honest nature, means that a mother has prepared her children a strong and sincere personality, educated noble and ready to mingle in society.

In our society, there is often a presumption that the task is to keep the mother and father's duty to work for money. A father does not deserve to make or provide a milk bottle, hold, bathe and change clothes, in other words there is division of duties and strict liability between the father and mother. For the development of the child or for the sake of domestic harmony, the assumption that such is actually harmful. A father to a certain limit must involve themselves in everyday family life. Caring for infants and children is not the monopoly of the mother. With one-time follow provide infant formula, bathing and so forth. In addition will increase respect for the wife to her husband, also will terbina emotional bond between father and son.

To run the leadership and supervision in the household is required patience, fortitude, justice and dignity high.

The study, which exists today has proved that the father factor is a very important factor in the formation of children's personalities. According to psychoanalytic theory that: "My father is a figure of identification (in addition to the mother) for children, while children make personal or father as a benchmark of comparison for their own behavior."

In addition, the father is also a protective figure, who in the eyes of a child is a person who will save her, if at any time there is a danger threatens. Clearly, that if the father did his role well, the child will grow up to be people who have personality steady. Conversely, if the dad is less a role in the lives of children, then the child will lose grip and always felt hesitant in addition to lack of confidence.

In child development, it is necessary to parental responsibility should be taken include:
- Treat the children are gentle and affectionate
- Instilling a sense of loving kindness
- Educate morals
- Educate neighbors and community
- Preventing or prohibiting the free association
- Keep things porn

As a parent who is responsible for the future and development of children, it is natural to know the things that can be done by children, for children of the world and the hereafter.

Children need constant attention, and this can only be given by the mother, because the mother who since the beginning of the birth of the child, has known characteristics and trends of child psychology.

Foster child's curiosity, it's not an easy thing, because it takes patience high. In answering the question the child's mother must show concern and the answer really, although the length of the answers given are not especially convoluted and difficult to understand by kids, but enough with short answers are tailored to children's understanding.

Overview of the children as ignorant and do not know anything about nature and life, but they actually have the power of comprehension and memory that is infinitely greater than our estimates. Of the many questions they ask in a day, there must be a signed and recorded well in his brain.

A child who has aged under five years old (toddlers) actually have the power of comprehension and memory and the ability to memorize great. This is reasonable because their brain has not been used to thinking about other things. By him that the child's education is not only begins at age seven years and above but just when the child was a toddler. Thus, in Islamic education, to develop and guide the child's basic abilities are divided into 4 periods, namely:

First Period (from birth-6 years). In this period the child should be accustomed to a good job and should be protected from bad habits and can damage the ruqyah.
Second Period (6-10 years). In this period children are educated in terms kesosialan where the child began to learn to understand important aspects of socialization, such as:
- Learning to obey the rules of group
- Learn loyal friend
- Learning does not depend on others
- Learning to cooperate
- Learning to accept responsibility
- Learn to compete with others in a healthy
- Learn about sports and games group
- Learn the meaning of justice, democracy, honesty and sincerity
- Studying the behaviors that can be accepted by the surroundings.

Given the importance of the values that will be received from this process, the development of education in a normal and extremely conducive required.

Third Period (10-13 years). At this period is the period of transition from childhood to adolescence in which the child begins to behave independently in.
One of the most important meaning in this period is the size and weight of the child grew older and it has a vitality and passion higher than that, insightful knowledge and understanding of children more widely.

By looking at this huge potential, the education should be directed to the practical activities and are associated with Islamic values.

Fourth Period (13 years and over). In this period the child begins to mature in thinking because it is developmental psychologists determined that the most important feature of this period is the occurrence of physical development is quite rapid and appears new glands that produce growth hormone in children's self was a teenager.

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